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Monday 1 November 2010

Win a $20/10 Gift Certificate

To celebrate the launching of Phenomenal, I decided to giveaway one $20 and two $10 certificates for my shop on Etsy!


- Follow my Blog

- 'Like' my
Facebook Page

- For an additional entry, blog/Tweet/Facebook or simply leave a comment telling us your favorite item in my shop.

Please include your email address in this post or on facebook so I may contact you if you win.

- This giveaway is open to readers worldwide!

- A winner will be chosen at random on 10th Novemeber 2010, stay in tune!

Indian Blue Dress
Free Worldwide Shipping Included


Jenniferocious said...

The "Pearl Dress"! It may end up being my wedding gown... :D


Unknown said...

I follow your blog via GFC
wulan sari
Like your fanpage on FB
name:Wulan Sari P
wulanseries at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I have liked you on facebook and follow you on here.

Wow your designs are stunning. I am finding it hard to pick which I lose the most- they've taken my breath away!

I think I love the Karner Blue Dress the most- but it is so hard to choose!!


Alicia B said...

Gorgeous dresses! each and every one! I love the black swan as my favorite above the rest :). This is not an official entry as I couldn't afford your lovely creations even with 20$ off but I shall dream from afar until I can :).

alicia benedict

Shaima812 said...

amazing a dresses
- Follow your Blog shaima812

- 'Like' your Facebook Page Dana Ali

- Tweet



Janice said...

I followed you on GFC and I liked you on fb


Thifa said...

I follow as Thifa and like you Facebook also as Thifa.

+ I'd love to check your store but it's closed at the moment. I love the items showed here though.

thifas blog ( at )gmail(dot ) com

Maz said...

I liked you on fb, and I love what I've seen!

rmaslow a@t yahoo d.ot com

Unknown said...

gfc follower

Unknown said...

facebook follower

k@tie said...

following your blog (:

k@tie said...

liked you on facebook as Kate McP


k@tie said...

BEAUTIFUL dresses!!!! i love the melon dress on your facebook (:

i tweeted about this giveaway

Aleyta said...

I follow your blog! I love the pink diamond dress!

aleytac at hotmail dot com

Alyssa O'Leary said...

I followed you, and I hearted your shop, and all I can say is WOW. Stunning colors all around. Absolutely beautiful, and you definitely have pieces I'd love to have in my wedding.

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